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Theme Installation

Please follow below instructions to set up the TigrenPWA theme:

I. Requirements#

  • Magento 2 Backend (Magento 2.3 and above)
  • NodeJS (>=14 LTS). To check your current Node version: node -v
  • Yarn (>= 1.13.0). To check your current Yarn version: yarn -v

II. Installation Guide#

1. Install Tigren Magento 2 Modules#

  • Unpack the extension ZIP file ( file on your computer
  • Connect to your website source folder with FTP/ SFTP/ SSH client and upload all the files and folders from the extracted zip file to the corresponding root folder of your Magento installation.
  • Connect to your Magento directory with SSH
  • Run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Installation Step 1

2. Install magento/module-upward-connector and magento/pwa packages#

  • Run the following commands:
composer require magento/module-upward-connector magento/pwa
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Installation Step 2

3. Install the TigrenPWA theme#

  • Unpack the theme ZIP file ( on your computer
  • Connect to your website source folder with FTP/SFTP/SSH client
  • Create a new folder to the corresponding root folder of your Magento installation, that can be named pwa
  • Upload all the files and folders from the extracted zip file to the pwa folder

Installation Step 3

  • In the pwa folder, create a new .env file and add the following content: MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL=<Your_Magento_Website_URL>



Installation Step 4

  • Connect to your Magento directory with SSH
  • Go to the pwa folder and run the following commands:
yarn install
yarn run build

Installation Step 5

php bin/magento config:set web/upward/path


Installation Step 6

4. Enable the TigrenPWA theme from backend configuration#

  • Change the following configuration to Yes to enable the TigrenPWA theme:

STORES > Configuration > GENERAL > Web > UPWARD PWA Configuration > Enabled > Yes

Installation Step 7

5. Flush the cache from the Magento backend#

If you have any problems when installing the TigrenPWA theme, please contact us: [email protected]