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Fastly CDN

Fastly is an edge cloud platform that provides security and delivery services at the network edge, closer to your customers for faster performance. It will replace native caching in Magento.

Unlike legacy CDNs, Fastly serves more content from cache, even highly personalized content like shopping cart info or recommendations.

By integrated with Fastly, the TigrenPWA storefront is delivered faster with the latest content and shielded from traffic spikes.

As a result, your store never goes down, even during flash sales, peak holiday season, or a DDoS attack. Moreover, it will help to seamlessly enhance your customers’ shopping experience, which correlates to increases in conversion rate and average order value.

Notes: Fastly CDN is available on TigrenPWA Pro & Custom packages only. If you use the Free and Lite versions and want to have this feature, you can consider using our custom service.

To erase website cache more effectively, go to Admin > SYSTEM > Cache management > Purge All (instead of Flush Magento Cache).
