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Storefront branding

To personalize your store, one of the first things you would like to update would be your store logo and favicon. Then the copyright notice and perhaps the welcome message as well.

You are welcome to configure the storefront branding using the TigrenPWA theme.

Change store logoSupportedA logo is located in the header of your store and can be changed for each store view through the admin.
Change faviconSupportedThe favicon refers to the little icon on the tab of each browser page. In general, it is a small or a simplified version of the store logo.
Edit copyright noticeSupportedThe copyright notice is located in the footer of your store and can be changed for each store view through the Magento admin.
Edit welcome messageSupportedThe welcome message is the text displayed in the top bar. In the TigrenPWA theme, it's "Free shipping on orders over $100! Details" sentence, you can change it to your purpose.