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Images & Videos

Add product imagesSupportedFor each product, you can upload multiple images, rearrange their order images, and control how each image is used. If you have a large quantity of images to manage, you may prefer to import them as a batch, rather than upload each one individually. For more information, see Importing Product Images. If you plan to upload large images for viewing on the Product Details page, you may want to consider setting a maximum pixel size (width and height) and automatically resize the files prior to upload. We provide an option to enable automatic resizing of larger image files as you upload. For more information, see Resizing Product Images.
Add product videosSupportedTo add product video, you must first obtain an API Key from your Google account and enter it in the configuration of your store. Then, you can link to the video from the product.
Change placeholdersSupportedMagento uses temporary images as placeholders until the permanent product images become available. A different placeholder can be uploaded for each role. The initial placeholder image is the Magento logo, which you can replace with the image of your choice.
Change watermarksSupportedIf you go to the expense of creating your own original product images, there is not much you can do to prevent unscrupulous competitors from stealing them with the click of a mouse. However, you can make them a less attractive target by placing a watermark on each image to identify them as your property. A watermark file can be either a JPG (JPEG), GIF, or PNG image. Both GIF and PNG file types support transparent layers, which can be used to give the watermark a transparent background.
Show swatches on product page & category pageSupportedCustomers have high expectations when it comes to color, and it is crucial that product descriptions accurately represent each available color, pattern, or texture. For example, the capris in the illustration below are not simply available in red, green, and blue. Rather, they are available only in very specific shades of red, green, and blue, which are probably unique to this product. For configurable products, color can be indicated by a visual swatch, text swatch, or input control. Swatches can be used on the product page, in product listings, and in layered navigation. On the product page, swatches are synchronized to display the corresponding product image when the swatch is selected. When the customer selects the swatch, the corresponding value appears in the input field and the swatch is outlined as the current selection.
Show swatches in layered navigationIn Progress